Creating A Gallery

Creating a gallery

Go to galleries in our app, and click the "Create Gallery" button

Create Gallery

You will be presented with a list of recent images, select the images you wish to add to the gallery:

Select images

Click the "Create Gallery" button, a modal window will open, enter the name for the gallery and click save

Name your gallery

You will be redirected to the gallery overview page.

Gallery Overview

Click edit settings, and select where you want to attach this gallery to:

We will attach it to a product. click the plus button to link it to a product (you can link a gallery to multiple products)

Click Add Product

Click Change Product

Start typing, once you find your product click it, and press save

Now click activate gallery:

Active Gallery

Your gallery will be shown on the selected product:

Slider on the product page

If you don't see the gallery, please make sure you added the app block through the theme customizer, please check our article Add gallery frontend app block

Updated on: 12/01/2022

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